In a recent conversation with a client I witnessed the pain that can be generated by one person in a family when members of that family are unwilling to take a stand for the truth wanting to be spoken through them on behalf of all. At times like this I recall Caroline Myss in her usual fierce way saying: “Grow a spine!” You see, courage is not at all what most of us have been conditioned to believe it is. Courage is a real power one can fall into as it rises up and out into the world changing all it encounters. Human beings are built in courage. So what prevents us from trusting it? Well, the answer is simple. Most people put more faith in their fear than they do in the truth. To use fear to protect oneself, albeit unconsciously, wreaks damages untold when we are invested in hiding from ourselves. To burrow in fear is to quit life and deny the divine within. Live your life! And demand nothing of others otherwise you seek to appease fear and become complicit to acting against yourself. The only real problem humanity faces is the level of self-deceit we are married to and it’s time to crawl out of its dark burrow and become the men and women we are designed to be.
Question for Reflection:
In what ways do I deny my own spiritual mystery and power? How do I turn away from offering myself in moments when balance could be restored?

Magdalen Bowyer
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