Coming Soon!

The Writer's Vow: A Thread of Instinct Through the Veil of Marrying Others to Marry Myself

This is the story of a bride to men who lived her way into becoming the beloved of her own life.


"Men helped me, and continue to help me, to see my own intellect, prosperity, and creativity. More than this, they helped me learn to love myself by moving beyond the need to be loved by them. The only failure that is mine is the failure to know my own mind and to understand every relationship has a purpose; that is, nothing has gone wrong in the attraction of the relationship, but it’s purpose may not be what I think it is. I underestimated the shadow side of life. But I eventually realized that my unlived life was a risk I wasn’t willing to take. So I faced what was mine. I made the break time and time again and hopefully learned to be a bit more elegant in the letting go of what was no longer working. And understanding that nothing has ever gone wrong means there is no need for blame of self or others.

Loving oneself is the most difficult of tasks. To feel worthy of being a vessel for the Creative Self is the ultimate reward. My task has been to achieve a conscious ego with a will of my own and delve into my mysterious nature to retrieve my own value, infuse my being with it, and take myself home. For I belong in love, as love, for love as a real place in the human heart."

Why do women override feminine instinct in relationship to men?

This book offers an answer.